Colour & Style Journal.
Reaching a milestone can be a pivotal moments in our lives. Whether you want to turn a hobby into a job, travel the world, or write a book, the way you look and feel, can inspire and motivate you to get there!
Get Summer Ready with me!
Summer in the UK is short but sweet, so let’s make the most of it with these trends and tips
The Power of Self Acceptance
Fashion and all that it encompasses, is about selling a dream. One of desirability, fantasy and exclusivity. Whether it is a beauty product, weight loss pill, clothing, hair or makeup products. The feeling that if you don’t try one or some of these products, you might miss out, or get left behind in the race.
The Power of Colour
Colour has a subconscious impact on our everyday lives. From a personal reaction on an emotional level, to the role in marketing and communication. From the clothes we wear, the food we eat and the surroundings we live and work in.
10 Tips for Dressing with Confidence.
Why we worry about what we wear and how my 10 tips for better dressing and 9 ideas for key items in your wardrobe will give you the confidence you are searching for.
Colour Analysis Event
Having a colour analysis can help women feel and look more confident and know how to shop for their best colours